Months Calculator

Months Between Two Dates

Add Or Subtract Months from a Date

What is the Months Calculator?

The Months Calculator is a versatile tool designed to help you work with dates in terms of months. It offers two primary functionalities:

How to Use the Months Calculator

The calculator is divided into two sections:

  1. Months Between Two Dates:
    • Select your start date and end date using the date pickers.
    • Click the "Calculate" button to see the difference expressed in full months and any extra days.
    • If needed, use the "Clear" button to reset your inputs.
  2. Add or Subtract Months from a Date:
    • Select a base date from which you want to adjust the time.
    • Choose whether you want to add or subtract months.
    • Enter the number of months you wish to adjust the date by.
    • Click the "Calculate" button to view the new date, or "Clear" to reset the form.

Months Between Two Dates

This feature calculates the interval between two dates in terms of months. It works by comparing the year and month components of your selected dates to determine the number of complete months between them. If there are extra days beyond the full months, it also displays the remaining days.

Add or Subtract Months from a Date

This functionality allows you to adjust any given date by a set number of months. You can choose to add months to project a future date or subtract months to find a past date. This is especially useful when working with monthly cycles, such as subscription renewals, loan schedules, or planning events.

Use Cases

The Months Calculator can be applied in various scenarios, including: