Weeks Calculator

Calculate Weeks Between Two Dates

Add or Subtract Weeks from a Date

What is a Weeks Calculator?

A weeks calculator is a simple tool that helps you determine the number of weeks between two dates or calculate a new date by adding or subtracting weeks from a given date. It’s a handy solution for planning events, tracking timelines, or performing quick date-related calculations.

How to Use the Weeks Calculator?

Using the weeks calculator is easy and straightforward. Follow these steps:

How to Calculate Weeks Between Two Dates?

To manually calculate the number of weeks between two dates, follow these steps:

For example, if there are 50 days between two dates, dividing 50 by 7 gives approximately 7.14 weeks. This means there are 7 full weeks and 1 extra day.

How to Add or Subtract Weeks from a Date?

To calculate a new date by adding or subtracting weeks manually:

For example, to find the date 3 weeks after January 1, 2025, multiply 3 by 7 to get 21 days. Adding 21 days to January 1, 2025, results in January 22, 2025.

Similarly, to calculate 2 weeks before January 15, 2025, subtract 14 days (2 x 7) from January 15, 2025, which gives January 1, 2025.